'Let's Talk Football' Series Launches With The Recreational Women's Game
On Monday evening we hosted our ‘Let’s Talk Football’ Women’s Recreational Football event with women from across the County attending in a virtual capacity.
The purpose of the evening was to get players and coaches from our Surrey recreational sessions together so that we could check in with each other, hear about the benefits of coaching and help shape a new idea Surrey FA have been working on for the recreational women’s game.
We were pleased to welcome our guest Sharon Muxworthy, Regional Coach Development Officer (Women & Girls) at The FA whose role is to support women through their coaching journey.
Sharon interviewed Jackie and Nicola who had both attended a Surrey FA Female Only Level 1 course last year. They shared their experiences of the course and how they have benefited from it so far. Sharon also spoke about the FA Playmaker course which is a free, online entry-level football course for anyone interested in taking a more active role in grassroots football.
Following our discussions around coaching and why people should get involved, we then spoke about our women’s recreation sessions through a Q&A session as well as explaining about a new kitemark for women’s recreational football in Surrey that we are due to launch soon.
Emma Barnes, Football Development Manager had this to say about the event, ‘’It was great to see so many of our women’s rec players involved in these discussions on Monday evening. It is clear that they are committed to the game and want to see it grow further and also develop themselves. We are keen to demonstrate what support is offer to all of them whether it is in a coaching or playing capacity.”