As the Governing body for the sport, we are responsible for ensuring that the Rules and Regulations of the Football Association and the integrity of the game in Surrey is upheld.
We are here to support your journey in football by leading and protecting the game and in turn making it a safer and enjoyable environment for you to stay involved for a lifetime.
Football is a contact sport and a passionate game, and sometimes match officials and the County FA are forced to take disciplinary action against our participants when they overstep the line.
Written Reasons
Tackling Discrimination
Disciplinary Hearings
Cautions and red cards can be acknowledged through the “Discipline” tab on the Whole game system. The Club need to confirm that the player’s personal details (address and date of birth) are correct, and update/add them if necessary. Once this has been done, you can click the “Acknowledge” tab.
Please note that cautions need to be acknowledged within fourteen days of the case being raised, and red cards acknowledged within seven days, or you could incur a 25% late fee.
You should receive notification of a red or yellow card within four days of a fixture. If you have not received notification by this time, please contact Surrey FA to let us know the details of the fixture and the referee, and we will try to resolve the issue.
All cautions and red cards can be appealed on the grounds of Mistaken Identity. An appeal for Mistaken Identity should only be submitted when the referee has shown
the card to the wrong player on the day.
If you believe the referee has recorded the wrong name when submitting a caution or red card, please contact the Football Services Team via Discipline@SurreyFA.com or on 01372373543. We will investigate the matter further and amend the case if appropriate.
Certain red cards can be appealed on the grounds of Wrongful Dismissal.
Claims for Mistaken Identity and Wrongful Dismissal can both be submitted via the "Discipline" tab on the Whole Game System.
We always recommend confirming with the referee at the end of the game the names of all players cautioned/sent off during the game, and the reason for the cards.
There are strict deadlines for submitting yellow and red card appeals :
A claim of Wrongful Dismissal is lodged for on-field offences that result in a straight sending-off only – not for Players dismissed for receiving two bookings or a player dismissed for offensive, insulting, or abusive language/gestures. A Club wishing to lodge a claim must notify the County FA in writing of its intention to do so by 5pm on the second business day following the game in which the dismissal occurred. By 5pm on the fourth business day any evidence relied upon in support of the claim must be submitted to the County FA. In all cases the claim fee, which must be submitted with details of your appeal is £50.00 (Steps 5-6 & NLS Feeder Leagues). For Clubs outside the National League system the fee is £30.00
Mistaken Identity claims can be made if the Referee cautions or sends off the wrong Player from the field of play. A Club should identify the name of the person who was responsible and submit to the County FA any supporting evidence along with the appeal fee, within three working days of the match. If a claim is successful, the claim fee will be returned, and the suspension/fine will be removed from the incorrect Player’s record and transferred to the correct Player. In all cases the claim fee, which must be submitted with details of your claim is £50 (Steps 5-6 & NLS Feeder Leagues). For Clubs outside the National League system the fee is £30.00. Time limits are strict, claims received late will not be considered.
Cautions and red cards can be paid via the Whole game system, either via the “Discipline” tab, or by the Club Treasurer through the “Club Invoices” tab. Alternatively, payment can be made over the phone on 01372 373543, or by BACS transfer using the following details:
Account Name: Surrey County Football Association Ltd
Sort Code: 20-77-75
Account Number: 40601969
Please make sure you quote the case or invoice number when making payment over the phone or via a BACS transfer.
Please note that invoices must be paid within fourteen days of being raised, or you could incur a 25% late fee.
If disciplinary cases are not acknowledged or paid within the required time frames, clubs can incur a 25% late fee. This must be paid within fourteen days, and the original case acknowledged/paid, or the player and club could face further suspensions.
If you believe that a late fee has been issued in error, please contact Surrey FA as soon as possible. You will be asked to complete a form documenting why you believe an error has been made. The County FA will then determine whether there has been an error in the fee being raised and act accordingly.
If you only become aware of the late fee as a sine die suspension is about to commence, we recommend you pay the full amount immediately and contact the County FA to request a refund, should an error have been made.
Clubs should be aware of which players receive cautions or standard charges, and aware of the cost of these offences. Therefore non-receipt of notifications is not an excuse for non-payment.
Suspensions for red cards/accumulation of yellow cards automatically start seven days after the offence. The length of a suspension depends on the nature of the offence.
Grassroots football discipline is divided into match-based categories depending on the level of football:
Saturday • Sunday • Midweek • Representative • Veterans • School • Friendly
Suspensions for red cards must be served in the category in which they were received. When the player misses the relevant number of games for the team he was carded for, the suspension is served.
Suspensions for misconduct cases are from all football and may be match-based or day-based. When the player misses the relevant number of games for the team he received the charge for - or misses the required number of days - the suspension is served.
At the end of a season, any outstanding match-based suspension is automatically carried through to the beginning of the following season. They are therefore eligible to play in pre-season friendlies and the suspension re-starts when the team the suspension was picked up for play their first qualifying fixture of the new season. Day-based suspensions continue throughout the off-season.
If a player moves to a new day of football and is suspended for a red card, they are eligible to continue playing on the new day of football.
Where a player moves to a new club at the same level of football, playing on the same day, the suspension is transferred to the new club and the County FA need to be informed of the change.
Where a youth player moves within youth football to a new age group, playing on the
same day, the suspension is transferred to the new age group.
If a player moves from non-Step football to Step Football (and vice versa), or to a new day of the week, there is no impact on red card suspensions. For misconduct suspensions there are two options:
1. The FA can approve for the suspension to move to the new level of football.
2. The suspension is served based on matches the previous club play. For a match-based misconduct suspension, this means that the player is eligible to play for their new team until such time as the team they were reported for start their season, at which point the suspension is applied to all football.
Suspensions will only be removed from the Whole Game System when the relevant games have been entered against the suspension by the Club. Suspension matches can be added via the “Matches” tab off the main Club dashboard on the Whole game system.
You will need to confirm the date, opposition, League and which team was home/away. The match will then be assigned against any eligible suspension for players on that team. If you are adding a League or County Cup match against a suspension, you may need to email this information to the discipline team so we can add the suspension match.
Any complaints about the conduct of opposition players/officials/spectators should be submitted to Surrey FA - Discipline@SurreyFA.com
Step 5
Stage 1 (accumulation of six offences): Warning as to future conduct
Stage 2 (accumulation of 10 offences): £150
Stage 3 (accumulation of 15 offences): £300
Stage 4 (accumulation of 20 offences): Charge under FA rule E20 - Failure to control players
Step 6 & 7
Stage 1 (accumulation of six offences): Warning as to future conduct
Stage 2 (accumulation of 10 offences): £75
Stage 3 (accumulation of 15 offences): £150
Stage 4 (accumulation of 20 offences): Charge under FA rule E20 - Failure to control players
Outside National League System (including youth)
Stage 1 (accumulation of six offences): Warning as to future conduct
Stage 2 (accumulation of 10 offences): £50
Stage 3 (accumulation of 15 offences): £100
Stage 4 (accumulation of 20 offences): Charge under FA rule E20 - Failure to control players
The deadlines for appeal and submitting evidence have also been amended to be more beneficial for Clubs operating at Steps 5 to 7 and below – appeals will still be heard before any suspension is due to commence.